Top 5 Amazing Home Remedies for Canker Sores (Singaw)

It can be very alarming to spot circular blisters that pop up on your gums, the insides of your cheeks, the insides of your lips, the roof of your mouth or on your tongue, with a white or yellow center. You’ll know you’re going to get singaw when you have that tingling or prickling sensation a day or hours before they appear. Most of the time, it’s nothing serious and it usually goes away on its own after a few days. This particular article will tell you what to do in case there is a canker sore (singaw) in your mouth.

Some studies have attributed canker sores to stress; a change in diet; a deficiency in vitamins B-12, zinc, folate acid or iron; a reaction to certain types of food or an injury caused by braces; even brushing your teeth too hard. Other possible causes included a foaming ingredient in some toothpaste brands called sodium lauryl sulfate, your haywire hormones during your period, and even a disorder in your immune system. But the specific cause is pretty much still uncertain.

1. Warm Salt Water
When the salt content around cells is greater on the outside than the inside osmosis takes place, with water being drawn from in the cells to help balance out the concentration. When water is drawn out, the painful puffiness that excess fluid can cause is diminished. If you have a canker sore that is really puffed up that keeps rubbing or that you keep biting, gargling with salt water can help greatly. This is also why salt water gargles help with a sore throat-reducing the painful swelling of the cells in the mucous membrane at the back of the throat. The warm water also produces a general sense of soothing relief, while the salt may help keep the area clean. Stir the salt into the warm water and swish it around in your mouth 3 times daily until the canker sore is gone.

2. Aloe Rinse
The king (or queen) of soothing plants-aloe! The gel from this magnificent plant wields mighty powers when it comes to soothing not just sunburn, but canker sores as well. Make sure you use natural gel-not the green kind. Stir the gel into the water and swish it gently over the sore 3 time’s day to ease the pain and facilitate healing.

3. Honey Rub
With its antibacterial, and potentially anti-inflammatory, properties, raw organic honey makes a wonderfully soothing coating for a painful canker sore. Swish some warm water in your mouth, and then apply a thick dab of organic raw honey directly to the sore. Reapply 2-3 times daily (at least one of those times should be before night, as it seems to do best when you aren’t bothering it by talking or eating.)

4. Coconut Oil
When in doubt, use coconut oil! Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and also incredibly tasty, coconut oil is almost fail-safe when it comes to getting rid of canker sores. Using clean hands or a cotton swab, dab a liberal amount of coconut oil onto the sore. Try to get a somewhat thick layer or clump on there-coconut oil melts rapidly and a thin layer just seems to slide right off. If you feel like you really can’t get it to stick, melt 1 tablespoon down with ½ teaspoon or so of beeswax to thicken it.

5. Baking Soda
Baking soda is the recommended remedy on EarthClinic for canker sores. Users have treated canker sores by dissolving baking soda in water and holding it in their mouths, and by applying baking soda directly to the canker sore.


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  1. Effective din ang tawas as home remedy para sa singaw, masakit nga lang gaya ng asin.
