Health Benefits of Eating Guyabano (Soursop)

Guyabano fruit is a green, pear-shaped fruit covered with soft spines. Matured guyabano or soursop fruit weighs about 2 to 5 kilograms. Guyabano fruit is ovoid and large, up to 18 centimeters long, with thin skin and the soft edible whitish pulp that is fleshy and fibrous.  Guyabano has inedible black seeds. Guyabano fruit or soursop fruit has distinct sweet-sour flavor that tastes like pineapple and strawberry with a tang of sour citrus taste.

Guyabano or soursop has a fleshy fruit that is rich in fiber and vitamin C. Eating guyabanos can be effective in curing various health conditions. There are some studies that have proven how this fruit can be beneficial, especially for those who have cancer. However, guyabanos are not only for cancer patients, but also for people who want to maintain their good health.

By regularly consuming soursop or Guyabano, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

1. Anti-Cancer
Perhaps the most popular health benefit of Guyabano is its ability to prevent cancer. Unfortunately, research about the healing properties of the fruit with regard to this disease is still lacking. Nevertheless, there are scientists who have discovered how the fruit protects the body against cancer. It could even help reduce the side effects brought about by chemotherapy.

2. Anti-UTI
Due to the high levels of vitamin C in this fruit, it can be used to prevent urinary tract infection (UTI). This is because the fruit increases the acidity found in your urine, which eventually kills the bacteria that could be present in it. Vitamin C can also boost your immune system which is effective in stopping the occurrence of infections.

3. Anti-Constipation
If you’re frequently constipated or you have other digestive problems, such as diseases that are related to your colon, you can eat Guyabano fruit to help get rid of the problem. Additionally, this fruit is great for those who want to lose weight naturally. Guyabanos will keep you away from laxatives because it can help relieve constipation. Since it is rich in fiber, your digestive system will be much healthier through regular consumption of guyabanos.

4. Anti-Anemia
Another great benefit you get when you eat guyabanos is that it is rich in iron. With the help of this mineral, it becomes much easier to fight blood-related diseases, including anemia. This disease is characterized by inadequate amounts of healthy red blood cells in the body. Instead of taking iron supplements, you can just get the iron you need from fresh vegetables and fruits, including guyabanos.

5. Anti-Infections
Because the fruit strengthens the immune system, free radicals that cause infection can be eliminated effectively. There are also skin infections, such as acne, which can be cured by the leaves of the guyabanos tree. The leaves are crushed and then applied to the area of the skin that is affected. Crushed Guyabano leaves can also be used to treat scars and inflammation.

6. Guyabano and Diabetes
An article in “African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicine” about in 2008 have reported that a clinical study done on rats induced with diabetes mellitus then fed with guyabano (Annona Muricata Linn) extracts showed positive effects of lowering the blood sugar levels in animals. Another study reported by the same publication showed that animals with induced diabetes mellitus that consumed guyabano extract has showed remarkable increase of antioxidants in their blood and that there is less liver damage. The findings of this laboratory animal study suggest that (guyabano) Annona muricata extract has a protective, beneficial effect on hepatic tissues subjected to STZ-induced oxidative stress, possibly by decreasing lipid peroxidation and indirectly enhancing production of insulin and endogenous antioxidants.

Although the reports suggested that guyabano extracts have promising medicinal benefits for diabetes mellitus. There is no sufficient study done on its effects to humans with diabetes.

Nutritional Value of Guyabano
Guyabano fruit is high in carbohydrates, particularly fructose. The fruit also contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2.

Guyabanos are healthy, so you can eat the fruit regularly to obtain the benefits mentioned above.

Source: stethnewsmedicalhealthguide

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